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Mobile is changing HR in enterprises

Mobile Workforce

Typical workforce is far less desk bound than previously, with many employees now working from home. Greater focus on employee engagement is starting to carve a niche for itself with mobile apps.

HR experts mobilising and streamlining some of their daily activities, employees can work more efficiently, increasing productivity. Businesses continue to adopt apps to help them recruit, develop and engage employees. These apps can help across a whole host of enterprise departments, from payslips to travel and even engaging with freelancers and contractors.

mobile apps

Recruitment on mobile

For instance, in the recruitment process, apps allow potential employees to assess and test their own skills before they are even shortlisted. They make them aware of their suitability for roles in their skills to apply for these roles.

Training on mobile

Training apps in particular are proving successful, as the multimedia nature of tablets render well to training videos, while an app can help companies track an employee’s completion progress on a given training program.


“Gamification”, make things like training into a game, adding a fun element. The training apps can be used for higher engagement with learning materials, ensuring that they expand their knowledge and take a greater interest in learning

Salary Payroll

HR departments are also benefiting from apps that allow employees to track payrolls and benefits.  Valuable time is saved by not having to fill out lengthy administration paperwork and payslips for those in the HR department, and it also allows for less discrepancies, as employees are able to track their own payslips, which can be pulled up immediately by them in the case of an issue.

Time Off

Allow employees to request time off work, where availability and request processes can be tracked, without HR departments having to manually log this information or spend time deciphering whether the leave can be granted.